IMAGE ALCHEMY Image Alchemy is a DOS-based image conversion program. It supports a wide variety of image formats, including GIF, TIFF, Windows BMP, and many other popular formats. The general syntax is as follows: ALCHEMY [-options] inputFile [outputFile] The [-options] switch sets the image type to be converted to, as well as several other options. Typing "ALCHEMY -h" will give you the option switch help menu. "ALCHEMY -h1" will give you general options. "ALCHEMY -h2" and "ALCHEMY -h3" will give you a listing of the various image formats Image Alchemy can convert to. Here is an example: ALCHEMY -g c:\images\beach.tif This command will convert the image "beach.tif" in the "c:\images" subdirectory into a GIF file (the option switch was set to -g for GIF) and save it to the same subdirectory. Here is another example: ALCHEMY -t b:\vacation.pcx c:\tom\trip This command will convert the image "vacation.pcx" from the "b:" drive to a TIFF file that is saved as "trip.tif" (Image Alchemy will add the .tif extension automatically) in the "c:\tom" subdirectory. Consult the help option switches in Image Alchemy for further options and image formats.